Today we talk with coaching researcher and educator Dr Paul Schempp about the traits and actions of the best instructors and coaches (plus what that difference is).
Dr Schempp shares some of his experiences working on the rankings of top golf instructors and talks about a unique insight he learned from Butch Harmon.
Is golf instruction teaching golf swing or more? We have a conversation about the current paradigms and compare this to other sports and where we should be headed.
Links / Resources
Dr Schempp’s website
Dr Schempp on Twitter
About Dr Paul Schempp
Paul SchemppNamed the 2004 Distinguished Scholar by the International Center for Performance Excellence, Paul knows that performance matters. His message, supported by over a decade of research into the characteristics and development of expertise as a professor and the Director of the Sport Instruction Research Laboratory at the University of Georgia, applies to individuals and organizations in business, education and sport and serves as a catalyst for increased productivity, better decision-making, and expert performance.
President of Performance Matters, Inc., Paul is a professional speaker, coach and consultant. Being the author of six books, including the award winning 5 Steps to Expert: How to Go from Business Novice to Elite Performer, over 90 articles, and delivering more than 250 presentations to organizations in 26 countries has made Paul an internationally renowned authority on the development of expertise. He has served as a Senior Fulbright Research Scholar at the University of Frankfurt (Germany), a visiting professor at the Nanyang Technical University in Singapore, and has delivered lectures at two dozen universities on three continents.
In addition to speaking engagements and retreats in business and industry, Paul has designed performance programs for the Swedish Golf Federation and Mexico National Golf teams by applying research to practice. He also coaches several champions on the PGA golf tour.
Currently, Paul and his team are conducting research on expert decision making, innovative thinking, and mentoring.