How Close are we to Someone Shooting 54? w/ Vision54

We all want to shoot lower scores but often that brings about it’s own unique set of emotions and challenges.  Today we’re talking about this idea of being a SUPERGOLFER or actually shooting 54 over 18 holes.

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Shooting 54 or being a supergolfer isn’t necessarily about fitness, strength, or technique, but being able to perform at high levels under pressure in new levels of performance states in golf.

Listen in and find out what Lynn Mariott and Pia Nilsson feel are the biggest areas of focus to get someone to shooting 54.


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I’ve really enjoyed going through this book and can honestly say it’s something I’d hand to someone just starting the game and an experienced pro. The lessons and approach to improving your golf game through things like the human skills, performance states, and frameworks for improved thinking make it a timeless manual.

You’ll be guided through the research, stories of Lynn and Pia’s experiences working with PGA and LPGA players, and then given tons of great explorations to go through.

Be a Player: A Breakthrough Approach to Playing Better ON the Golf Course


Playing Focus Scorecard
Vision54 App (HIGHLY recommend!)
Golf Science Lab review of Vision54 Golf School
Dr Debbie Crews on Performance States

This Episode’s Sponsor

Boditrak Sports is a leading-edge sports technology company, focused on the interaction between an athlete and the ground. BodiTrak Sports is a sister company to Vista Medical, who developed the pressure-sensing technologies used in our products. Vista has been active in the pressure sensor production business since 1995. All of our products are (proudly) manufactured in Canada.

Their products give teachers, coaches and golfers the tools to visualize and better understand the golf swing, to make improvements and track success.

Make sure to check out their new certification program. A comprehensive education platform on an athlete’s interaction with the ground and golf performance, designed by the leading minds in the industry.

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