Learning From “WHAT IF” Instruction

What if it was understood that between all the words and actions used during instruction and training there are conditions dictated by the brain.

What if it was recognized that the gateway to learning is the brain, and that everything we do including learning is organized in the brain first. The brain is our information processing organ.

What if we understood when it comes to learning that information was only one side of the story, the other and more important side are the methods used to share that information.

What if it was recognized that a master of anything was first a master of learning.

What if the aim was talent development, not fixing. Development is positive emotion, fixing is a negative emotion.

What if the art of teaching, joined the science of learning?

What if it was recognized that you can not give an education, it can only be gained.

What if the starting point for instruction was always what students already know.

What if there was no attempt to fix unworkable outcomes

What if mistakes were introduced during training

What if there were no “how to” directions given

What if there was no trying to get it right

What if it was recognized that unworkable outcomes are the teachers for what to do different

What if there were no expert models

What if there was no attempt to fix poor habits

What if students were seen not as broken, but just on a journey to full development

What if we realized that birds fly, fish swim, and people feel

What if we realized that performance during instruction was not an indication that learning did or did not take place?

What if we tried to changed students insights, not habits

What if we told students that they must be comfortable with being uncomfortable

What if we asked students what drives there choices

What if we exchanged hard focus for wide attention

What if there was no judging or criticisms of outcomes

What if we told students that we were not going to teach them, but help them learn.

What if we told students the most useful swing model was what golf course conditions were telling us to do

What if we told students that what is said during instruction was not as important as what they take away

What if we gave students what they want, but slip in what they need.

What if we told students they were not swinging and playing, their memory was.

What if the aim of instruction was sharing implications for adapting

With it feedback was reduced

What if it was recognized that new learning is based on prior knowledge and past experiences .

What if we understood that fast improvement is not equal to meaningful learning.

What if it was understood that instruction must be interesting , than fun. (finding, uncovering, natural talent)

What if it was recognized that staying in the process and in the present, is more useful than having a goal.

What if the information shared during instruction was more than what the Learning Sciences calls “coverage”, and was something to think about, to think with, and to put use beyond the environment it was learned in.