LESSONS LEARNED: The Hal Sutton story w/ Dr Bhrett McCabe

We sit down with Dr Bhrett McCabe and talk about the lessons learned from Hal Suttons story and what we can apply to our lives and golf games.

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One of the biggest lessons we spend time talking about is the role of the golf instructor or coach in a players development.

Instructors need to be the guide not the guru.

The role of the instructor is to expose players to concepts that can help them reach mastery. In his story Hal talked about digging it out of the dirt and the role of self-discovery as how he gained confidence plus skill in his development.

The instructor needs to set up the environment and help guide the golfer towards that mastery. The player needs to take ownership and find their own way.

So many golfers have a lot of clutter in their minds about their games and often the best thing an instructor can do is help reduce the clutter and help players focus on the 1 or 2 things that actually matter.

Frustration and confusion are required for learning.

Golfers trying to improve need support to find their way through it. We all have bad days and need to stop over reacting to normal ups and downs.



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Dr. Bhrett McCabe is the founder of The MindSide and a Licensed Clinical Psychologist holding a PhD degree in clinical psychology from Louisiana State University (LSU), with an emphasis in behavioral medicine having completed his internship at Brown University in Providence, RI. While an undergraduate at LSU, Dr. McCabe was a 4-year letterman on the baseball team and was a member of 2 National Championship teams, 3 SEC championship teams, and 3 College World Series teams.

Dr. McCabe is a practicing Sports & Performance Psychologist who works with numerous athletes from the PGA and LPGA Tours, NFL, NBA, MMA, and serves as the sports and performance psychologist for The University of Alabama Athletic Department. Dr. McCabe is the author of The MindSide Manifesto: The Urgency to Create a Competitive Mindset as well as The Game Plan workbook which he has developed in order to help athletes, coaches, and leaders compete to the best of their ability. Dr. McCabe also hosts Exploring The MindSide podcast weekly and has published several academic journal articles, presented numerous scientific presentations, as well as provided insight and authored articles for trade magazines such as GOLF Magazine, Golf World, Golf Week, and ESPNW, among others. Dr. McCabe has made several appearances on The Golf Channel’s Morning Drive and The Golf Fix.

Dr. McCabe’s professional perspective is a blending of his own experiences as an elite athlete, his academic credentials and training, and through his interactions with the world’s best athletes, coaches, and leaders.