specificity of learning

Specificity of Learning Might Explain Why You’re Not Improving w/ Dr Tim Lee

Learn from one of the “forefathers” of golf motor learning research, Dr Tim Lee as we talk about specificity of learning and feedback so you can discover how to improve your learning environment.

Specificity of Learning = Practice Like You Play

In early research they found that skills individuals found were much less general than they thought, finding that skills were much more specialized. We talk about how this plays out between a beginner and an advanced golfer and how you should scale specificity based skill level.

Specificity is a sliding scale that you want to look toward and try to achieve.

Positive and negative feedback in a learning environment… What should it be? We talk about this fascinating topic as Dr Tim shares some new research that has changed his beliefs over the past few years.

Confidence can lead to improved competence

The one thing Dr Tim recommends reading is the “P.A.R paper” which summarizes a lot of the golf research on learning in one paper.

Links Mentioned:

Motor Learning and Performance-5th Edition With Web Study Guide: From Principles to Application
Golf Science Lab podcast on Challenge Point
Golf Science Lab podcast on Motivation

About Dr Tim Lee

Dr Tim Lee Motor Learning Golf Timothy D. Lee, PhD, is a professor in the department of kinesiology at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. He has published extensively in motor behavior and psychology journals since 1979. More recently, he has contributed as an editor to Journal of Motor Behavior and Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport and as an editorial board member for Psychological Review.

Since 1984 his research has been supported by grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Dr. Lee is a member and past president of the Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS) and a member of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA), the Psychonomic Society, and the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. In 1980 Dr. Lee received the inaugural Young Scientist Award from SCAPPS; in 1991-92 he received a Senior Research Fellowship by the Dienst Onderzoekscoordinatie, Catholic University in Leuven, Belgium; and in 2005 he presented a prestigious Senior Scientist Lecture at NASPSPA. In his leisure time, Dr. Lee enjoys playing hockey and golf. He has maintained a lifelong fascination with blues music and would one day love to put years of motor learning study into practice by learning to play blues guitar.