Learn some of the tactics and techniques that can help you increase the speed of your swing changes. Zach Parker takes us through some examples of how he’s helping players drastically reduce the time it takes for swing changes to transfer to the golf course.
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Practical Example
In this example we have a college golfer aiming to incorporate a particular technical move into his golf swing. He is using a GravityFit TPro to help with feedback and learning. But instead of simply bashing balls using the TPro, he has been set up with a series of stations. The stations are divided into learning and completion tasks and incorporate the principles of Spacing, Variability and Challenge Point.
The aim is to work through three stations. If at any point the completion task is failed, then the participant must return back to the start at station one.
Station 1
Learning task: Three balls with a specific focus (in this case technical), performing two or three rehearsals to increase understanding of the desired pattern.
Completion task: Must two-putt from 35-45 feet, right-to-left break
Station 2
Learning task: Perform posture drills with the TPro, followed by one learning trial (hitting a shot) where the focus in on re-creating the feelings from the TPro exercise.
Completion task: Must two-putt from 30 feet, uphill
Station 3
Learning task: Transfer previous technical feels to a target focus, aiming for two out of three balls landing inside the proximity target.
Completion task: Must make an 8-10 footer.
About Zach Parker
“The traditional approach to changing a golf swing generally starts with an aesthetically driven goal and results in the athlete developing a false since of competency in their motion that rarely transfers to the golf course. This is a coach centered approach that provides convenience and instant gratification to the instructor.
Our training takes a player centered approach. The coach spends time pulling the player out of position to enable them to self discover how to implement more effective movement patterns through increasing their Awareness of the sequence, muscle Activation and dynamics of the swing.
Finally this increased awareness is trained in a way that is in line with the most up to date learning sciences and will enable a player to challenge their brain, increase memory recall of effective mental representations and Automate their new movements onto the golf course.”
This Episode’s Sponsor
In use by over 30 PGA and LPGA Tour Pros, the GravityFit TPro works as both a tool to help build spinal and shoulder strength and stability… and as a fantastic teaching / swing aid, assisting with arm-body connection, body rotation and timing. Learn more here and use the coupon code CordieWalker