Mindsets to Improve Your Practice w/ Corey Lundberg and Matt Wilson

We all bring mindsets into our learning and practice. Today we’re going to talk about what mindsets and traits or most effective for improving your practice and learning.
How to Build a Practice Plan w/ Corey Lundberg & Matt Wilson

Today we answer a few questions from you all around building a practice plan for more effective growth in your golf game. It’s a real conversation about practice and getting better in a world where most golfers struggle to follow through with effective training.
How to get BETTER FASTER w/ Corey Lundberg & Matt Wilson

We’re all trying to figure out how to accelerate the improvement process of golf. Today we’re sitting down with two coaches, Corey Lundberg and Matt Wilson who share some of the most important concepts and strategies they’ve found while working with students and writing their new book Better Faster: The Modern Golfer’s Blueprint for Getting More from […]