Derek Ingram: Why Canada has more players than ever on the PGA Tour

We sit down with Derek Ingram, the head coach of the national amateur and Young Pro Teams for Golf Canada. We talk about the keys to developing elite level players from practice plans, key stats, and swing technique training.
[new study] Why pro golfers DO NOT make it on tour

Learn about the data and insights from a recent study looking at the careers of professional golfers who did not make it on the European Tour. Fascinating insights into how they developed skill and what potentially separated them from reaching their goals.
What it takes to get to #1 golfer in the world – Ariya Jutanugarn Story

We’re joined by two of the top coaches in the golf industry on this podcast, Pia Nilsson and Lynn Marriott of Vision54. We talk about their work with Ariya Jutanugarn and tell some of the stories and tactics that they’ve utilized on her journey to Number 1 in the world.
Open Forum Preview w/ Chris Como & Nick Chertock

One of the best events of the PGA show is the Open Forum. A unique combination of coaching, research, and discussion that you don’t want to miss.
A Weekend at one of the BEST Jr Golf Camps in the Country

Join host Cordie Walker for a weekend at the Dewsweepers elite jr golf camp at the Clubs of Cordillera Ranch with Tony Ruggerio, Dr Greg Cartin, Kolby Tullier, Wayne Flint, Bryan Gathright, and Mark Wood.
Traits of Effective Golf Instructors w/ Dr Paul Schempp

Today we talk with coaching researcher and educator Dr Paul Schempp about the traits and actions of the best instructors and coaches (plus what that difference is).
The Essentials of Launch Monitors

In this episode we’re looking at launch monitors; how they’re used, how the technology works, and what they’re role is in golf at the moment with our guest Liam Mucklow.
Why Your Practice Doesn’t Transfer to the Golf Course w/ John Kessel

John Kessel is the director of sport development for USA Volleyball and joins us today to talk about the importance of learning and some of the most important principles they’ve implemented with the US Volleyball team we can transfer to golf.
Learning From “WHAT IF” Instruction

What if it was understood that between all the words and actions used during instruction and training there are conditions dictated by the brain.
What Your Golf Instructor Won’t Tell You and How it Can Save You Shots

When you walk away from a golf lesson you probably want to feel like you’re “better”. That’s the point after all… To get that swing fix so you can stop slicing the ball or hit your 7 iron just a little more solidly.