There’s a lot of options and variability with grips, and today we sit down with Bob Lamkin of Lamkin golf grips to talk about the technology and development of something we use every time we golf – golf grips.
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Lamkin as a company started in 1925 when Elver Lamkin started making leather golf grips. He started when a golf company approached the leather shop he was working a and said NO they weren’t interested in helping them… But Elver said yes and off they went.
Elver’s son Robert started making rubber grips in the 1960’s and now his son and our guest today Bob Lamkin is the president and CEO of the company.
CRAZY STAT – Lamkin has sold over 500 million grips to OEM’s
Questions we talk about:
- What difference does size of grip make?
- What is the impact on the golf swing from a jumbo size grip?
- What makes a grip “tacky”?
- What is the difference in today’s rubber grips vs the rubber grips of 20 years ago?
- What grips are tour pros using?
- What does a “soft” grip vs a “hard” grip promote in the golf swing?
I don’t think we don’t talk about grips enough. It’s something we interact with every single time we play golf on every shot but don’t really think about it. We’re actually working on some projects to look more at testing grips and thinking more strategically about them.
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About Bob Lamkin
Throughout his career, Mr. Lamkin has had the privilege of playing and visiting the world’s most illustrious golf clubs and courses. With this playing experience and a lifetime of familial exposure to the golf industry, Mr. Lamkin is arguably the world’s most well-known and respected golf grip expert. His passion for helping golfers play more confidently and consistently provide a seemingly endless source of inspiration as he continues to work directly on nearly all aspects of the 92-year old company.
Learn more about Lamkin here