Does your game or skills test mean anything? Today we’re talking about learning and importance (or lack of) with common skills testing while sharing best practices for better learning and practice.
Hot cognition vs cold cognition. By practicing in an environment that demands hot cognition builds skills and develops emotional resiliency that transfers to the performance environment. You remember the hot cognition you don’t the cold. At the end of the show our guests share practical ideas to get your training and performance back to hot cognition and improve your learning.
The goal with affective learning is to simulate the emotions and feelings of performance during practice. Create games around the principle of play. Don’t worry to much about stats and skills tests. And very much affective learning. Similar emotions… Getting annoyed during training.
If someone comes in who is a top performer on the golf and don’t do well during training… Something is fundamentally wrong with the training.
“It’s not necessarily what you do… but where you do it.”
Pete shares a story of a tour player who recently scored very high on a Trackman combine, however went out and had one of his worst tournament performances. Learn more about the pros and cons of combines and tests during this discussion.
QUESTION FROM THE EPISODE: What was an activity that definitely made your better… or something that you’ve participated in and has not made you better?
Golf Science Lab podcast on Constraint Based Coaching
Peter Arnott’s website
Video on skateboarder Rodney Mullins
About Graeme McDowall
Graeme has an MPhil in Sports coaching from the University of Birmingham and is a full time Golf and Sports coaching lecturer at the SRUC in Scotland. He is also an associate lecturer and a PhD researcher at the University of Abertay Dundee. His main area of research is skill acquisition in sport and as well as being a practitioner in this area with the high-performance golf programme at the SRUC, he has worked with coaches in rugby and football.
Graeme is currently involved with some of the world’s leading experts in non-linear pedagogy, in a project aimed to bring coaches, academics and education professionals together to raise standards in player development.
About Peter Arnott
Pete is currently studying a MRes in skill acquisition and has worked with all levels of golfers using a constraints-led approach from novice to European Tour Player.
Indeed, recently one of his Star pupils, Nastja Banovec won a very prestigious Professional Tournament (The Paul Lawrie Invitational) whilst still an Amateur.
Peter has also just recently returned from talking to over one hundred delegates from all sports at the English Institute of Sport on how he puts ‘science’ into practice and has been asked to talk at several high-profile institutions as a result.
Basically Peter specialises in creating effective practice environments, which enable a greater transfer from practice to play.