Are your wedges hurting or helping you? Today we’re diving into everything you need to know about wedges, from design to features and how it will impact your game.
In this episode you’ll hear stories of players going from horrible wedges players to fantastic and the technical reasons that might be holding your wedge game back.
[aesop_chapter title=”Understanding Bounce” bgtype=”img” full=”on” img=”” bgcolor=”#888888″]
Bounce with the wedge is the most important factor, and finding that correct bounce angle has been misunderstood for far to long. Most think of bounce with a negative connotation because history tends to say less bounce is better, when in reality all the data from fitting and launch monitors tells us that most players need more bounce.
Now when you talk about bounce, you have to talk about it in two different ways, there’s width, which gives you effective bounce and there’s actually the true angle. To find the best bounce for you take the loft of that club and subtract the launch angle of a shot (measured on a launch monitor) which will tell you the bounce value needed.
For instance… if you had 60 degree wedge and a 38 degree launch angle, you would need 22 degrees of bounce. When you have that much lean, (or negative angle of attack) you need a narrow grind with a lot more width.
Most people under bounce by probably 10 degrees on average.
That means the player has to dig 10 degrees, through leaning back and creating bounce through their body and their spine angle which shortens right shoulder radius to the ground, so now they shove forward more, with the right arm, because they can’t release the club head because they’ve changed their angle through their spine trying to create bounce so it doesn’t dig but they’re actually exacerbating the problem… So bounce is really the critical factor.
Having the optimal bounce angle combined with the correct sole width on your wedge will result in less face twisting, more consistent clubhead speeds, increased spin, and consistent control of distances; drastically improving your shortgame.
The environment also has a factor on what kind of bounce you need.
If you’re in a wetter environment more bounce is most likely going to be better. If the ground is harder typically narrower grind with more less bounce. So the environment has a lot to do with the bounce requirements you need and theoretically you might need to have two wedges, one for winter and one for summer.
To hear the rest of the story listen to the full episode below…
[aesop_chapter title=”About Our Guests” bgtype=”img” full=”on” img=”” bgcolor=”#888888″]
David Edel
David serves as the company’s visionary leader, working tirelessly to innovate and develop ground-breaking products that shift the thinking of the golf equipment industry. His extensive club design and engineering expertise allows Edel Golf to continually push the envelope of equipment technology.
Learn more about Edel at
Tony Wright
I (through my business, Game Improvement Golf) am a professional club fitter and also specialize in putter fitting and putting improvement.
I am a Level 10 Assn. of Golf Club Fitting Professionals (AGCP) club fitter, and a Level 2 SAM PuttLab Certified Instructor. Since March of 2014 I have done a bi-weekly podcast – The Golf Improvement Podcast – that focuses on custom club fitting, short game improvement, and effective golf practice techniques.
I have a PhD in Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics from the University of Minnesota, and had a 35 year “first career” as a Senior Scientist at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, TN. I do my club fitting and putting improvement efforts at the Centennial Golf Course in Oak Ridge, TN.