What it takes to get to #1 golfer in the world – Ariya Jutanugarn Story

We’re joined by two of the top coaches in the golf industry on this podcast, Pia Nilsson and Lynn Marriott of Vision54.  We talk about their work with Ariya Jutanugarn and tell some of the stories and tactics that they’ve utilized on her journey to Number 1 in the world.

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“The main thing is for players to understand what it is they can control and what they can’t..

Ariya wants to win a lot of tournaments and it’s great, to have that motivation, but then you need to get it down to, “What am I going to put my action on, what am I going to put my attention on, that’s actually 100% under my control.”

Anyone one who wants to be a good competitive player needs to zero in and be best in the world at the things that they can actually take action on. It’s one of the core things that Ariya was brilliant on.

Every day on the golf course she decided to take action on what’s possible to take action on and she did it no matter what.

Ariya is still young, but she’s learning and that’s actually what really happened at the 2018 US Open, because it was slipping away from her and she got stressed and nervous and quit committing to what we call her thinkbox and playbox.

BUT she caught herself.

When you have a seven shot lead with nine holes to play, the viewers and even the commentators were like, “Oh, this is a done deal.”

Well, it’s not a done deal and it’s never a done deal.

But with Ariya, it’s something that she’s grown into this awareness of when she’s not there and she’s really more into wanting to hit a really good shot or get a good outcome. ”

Listen to past podcasts with Pia and Lynn:

Human Skills x Technical Skills = Performance w/ Vision54
Instead of Trying to be Consistent… Do this! w/ Vision54
What’s the Best Mindset for Golf? w/ Vision54
How Close are we to Someone Shooting 54? w/ Vision54

About VISION54

vision54 Lynn Marriott & Pia Nilsson are co-founders of VISION54, a breakthrough program and golf school based at Talking Stick Golf Club in Scottsdale, Arizona. Lynn and Pia are internationally recognized, are the two highest ranked female instructors in America, and are both regularly featured among Golf Digest’s Top 50 Greatest Teachers.

VISION54’s Golf Schools, 54GOLF, have been awarded the “Best Golf School in America” multiple times. VISION54’s Coach Programs, 54COACH, have repeatedly received the highest marks by peers of training for teachers / coaches.

Lynn and Pia have coached players to well over one hundred tour victories on the LPGA Tour, PGA Tour, European Tour, Ladies European Tour, and Japan Tour. They’ve coached nine different major winners and four #1 ranked players in the world.

They are the authors of four best-selling books, including their newest release Be A Player.


I’ve really enjoyed going through this book and can honestly say it’s something I’d hand to someone just starting the game and an experienced pro. The lessons and approach to improving your golf game through things like the human skills, performance states, and frameworks for improved thinking make it a timeless manual.

You’ll be guided through the research, stories of Lynn and Pia’s experiences working with PGA and LPGA players, and then given tons of great explorations to go through.

Be a Player: A Breakthrough Approach to Playing Better ON the Golf Course


Playing Focus Scorecard
Vision54 App (HIGHLY recommend!)
Golf Science Lab review of Vision54 Golf School

This Episode’s Sponsor

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