Learn the full story behind the new PUTTER SHAFT on the market from Breakthrough Golf Technology as we talk with founder Barney Adams.
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What do YOU think about this concept? Interested or not buying into it? Tweet us here.
Here’s what Breakthrough Golf Technology says their Stability shaft does…
It limits unwanted movement by stiffening the shaft by 25% without abolishing feel and reducing torque by almost 50%, to deliver the club face squarer at impact. The performance of the shaft was exhaustively tested with hundreds of putters using state-of-the-art high-speed cameras, robots, SAM Putt Lab, Quintic Ball Roll software and Trackman4.
Learn more on their website here.
About Barney Adams

Adams remains an avid golfer and is active with two charities, The Ryan Foundation benefiting MPS and Orphan Diseases, and Folds of Honor, which supports military families.
Barney has always had the unique ability to see what is indeed missing in golf equipment. He’s back and active in the golf industry again with Breakthrough Golf Technology after seeing that no significant innovation has been made putter shafts for decades. Barney assembled a team of award-winning engineers, and no shaft company on the planet delivers innovation in golf shafts like Breakthrough Golf Technology.